Sarah Dyke, MP for Somerton and Frome, has pledged support for legislation of assisted dying in the UK in particular circumstances.

Having recently outlined her belief that assisted dying should be legalised, the Somerset MP maintains that there must be rigorous safeguards.

Ms Dyke's stance is backed by public opinion, with polling showing 75 per cent of the public supporting it.

On April 29, MPs gathered to discuss assisted dying after a petition by Dame Esther Rantzen attracted over 200,000 signatures.

Somerton and Frome contributed the third highest number of petitioners.

Ms Dyke, who has personal experience of terminal illness, said: "Having cared for and watched this strong, independent and dignified woman fade away in considerable pain unable to have the dignified death that she wanted will forever haunt me."

She also shared a quote from a constituent: "Assisted dying is not about ending life, but about shortening death."

The Liberal Democrat MP urged a thorough parliamentary debate on this subject.

She said: "The public have clearly stated that they are in favour of assisted dying, and having witnessed first hand the pain and struggles some people have in death, I am firmly for changing the law."