GET ready to shiver your timbers and have a swashbuckling good time at Edington Village Hall this week.

Polden Production's spring show Robinson Crusoe and the Pirates hopes to shake off the winter gloom when it starts today until its last show on Saturday.

The plucky young Robinson Crusoe, the beautiful Juanita, scoundrels Skull-Duggery and Cross-Bones and the rest of the jolly crew take their audience to South America.

Amid the exotic locations, colourful costumes and exciting music and dance will be a hilarious pantomime perfect for all the family.

The show will start at 7.30pm each night, plus a Saturday matinee at 2pm. Tickets are £8 and under 12s £5 from the village hall from 10am to 12noon from Monday to Saturday or by calling 01278-723095.