BUSINESSES across Sedgemoor are invited to a free workshop to give their views that will help to shape the economic strategy across the district of Sedgemoor for the next 30 years.

The workshop will be held on Monday, July 29 at the Rawles Suite, Victoria Park Community Centre, Victoria Park Drive, Bridgwater TA6 7AS. Businesses’ input and views will help form the strategic direction of economic development in Sedgemoor.

This will be used to help inform a refresh of Sedgemoor’s Economic Development Strategy up to 2050.

The workshop will look at what works for local businesses in Sedgemoor and how businesses would like to see Sedgemoor’s economy grow and evolve over the next 20 years.

Discussion topics will include: Support for local businesses, including SMEs and micro-businesses around innovation, skills, digital transformation and achieving net-zero green-house gas emissions.

Coffee and tea will be provided.

There is free car parking on site.

Register for the event by visiting