When Italy went into ‘lockdown’ with COVID-19, Kayleigh Fisher, a drama teacher at Robert Blake Science College, set about with her Year 9 tutor group writing letters to students in Italy to cheer them up. 

Last week, the Italian students wrote back to their new Somerset chums, responding to their questions and discussing their experiences of life in lockdown.

The Bridgwater pupils were thrilled to receive the letters in return and pen pals have been set up for life, Robert Blake Science College headteacher Deb Loveridge said.

Students have been sharing advice, music, recipe ideas and talking about cultural celebrations.

Letters from the pupils show them discussing everything from The Beatles to hand sanitizer, and poetry to pizza.

Year 9 pupil Jessica Briggs had shared a recipe for scones, which the Italian family then made, and sent a picture of the finished product back to Jess. 

Antonella D’Amario, who teaches English as a foreign language in Bologn, has had connections with Robert Blake Science College since 2017, and made linking with Italian students easy. 

Ms Loveridge added: “I am delighted that Miss Fisher thought to complete such an admirable undertaking. 

“It really does make such a difference for us all to be united at this time.”