THREE years is a long time, and many of us were worried we had forgotten how to do it.

Others wondered whether it would ever be the same, while some even questioned whether the desire was still there or indeed whether there would be an appetite to see it.

But like the sun rising on a cold and crisp morning, the carnival spirit shone through over the weekend, brighter than ever.

We should never have doubted it.

As soon as the weather forecasters once again started wrongly predicting it would be a wash out, we knew everything was going to be ok.

We had been here before. Normal service had returned.

It felt so good to be back, and Bridgwater Carnival 2022 did not disappoint.

People started arriving into the town centre at 10.30am, and the constant stream of visitors just did not stop.

They had travelled far and wide, and from all over the country and indeed the world, to be in Bridgwater on the day the carnival finally returned home again.

From Sheffield, Pembrokeshire, Bracknell, North Wales, Falkirk, County Kilkenny, Cornwall, it seemed that every single area in the UK had representatives in Bridgwater on Saturday.

Bridgwater Mercury: Collectors raise money for the official Bridgwater Carnival Charity on Saturday night.Collectors raise money for the official Bridgwater Carnival Charity on Saturday night. (Image: Steve Richardson)

There was even talk of people flying in from Canada, Spain and Cyprus to watch the carnival.

By 5pm, all of the official carnival car parks and the two park and ride parking areas were full, and the town was brimming at the rafters.

The excitement and atmosphere as the clock ticked towards the start of the procession from the waiting thousands was unmistakeable and really something to behold.

As soon as the grand procession started, the crowds were absolutely mesmerised.

The traumas and uncertainty of the past three years were briefly forgotten and replaced with fun and enjoyment.

A couple of unavoidable cart breakdowns and delays couldn’t break the indestructible carnival spirit, and our hearts go out to those clubs who were affected.

We know you will be back stronger than ever.

For those who couldn’t make it into the town on carnival night, the live stream provided a suitable alternative.

Over 45,000 viewers tuned in online at some time during the procession, and remotely sampled the infectious carnival spirit.

The standard of entries was extremely high, especially when we consider the enormous difficulties and economic backdrop they have also faced over the last three years.

Every single one played a massive part in making Saturday’s carnival such a spectacular show.

We must all say a massive congratulations to the winners and those who won awards and cups on the night.

Winning a trophy makes everything all worthwhile, and I am sure the judges had an incredibly difficult job.

But for me, the biggest winner this year is Bridgwater Carnival. We are back, and every single carnivalite involved should be very proud of what we have achieved.

The formidable Bridgwater Carnival spirit is burning bright again, and it feels so good.

Until the next time…

Dave Stokes 

Publicity director, Bridgwater Guy Fawkes Carnival