OVER 200 gifts have been given to children living in and around Bridgwater as part of a toy donation effort organised by The Hub.

The charity received donations of toys, games, and sweets from The Works, Aldi, and Clark’s Village and distributed them to children in the community through partner organisations.

John Hardy, founding trustee of The Hub, said: “Christmas can be a difficult time of year for lots of families, so it was lovely to be able to give gifts to children in our community and share some joy this festive season.

“I have been absolutely blown away by the generosity of companies and individuals in and around Bridgwater, who have donated toys and games to children they don’t know to make their Christmas special.

“I’d like to offer special thanks to the staff in The Works, Aldi, and Clark’s Village for facilitating donations this festive season and supporting our work in the community.

“We have now given presents to refugee children from Ukraine who are living in Bridgwater, children identified as in need by partner organisations in the area, and to St Mary’s Church to distribute to young people they are supporting.

“These gifts will make a huge difference to children who may be in need of some Christmas spirit this year, especially as the cost of living crisis means that many parents have had to cut back.

“I would like to encourage anyone who identifies a person in need to get in touch with The Hub to find out how we can support them, as we have donations to distribute to children and adults living in the Bridgwater area throughout the year.”

In addition to supporting children and adults with the distribution of donations, The Hub also hosts a Dementia Cafe, carers’ support group, a Digital Cafe, a parent support group, and a regular armed forces breakfast as well as working collaboratively with organisations such as the WI, Somerset Village Agents, Royal British Legion, Blind Veterans UK, Young Somerset and Spark Somerset.

The charity also offers spaces to individuals and organisations looking to hire a meeting room or lounge space.

The Hub was founded by John Hardy in 2014, and opened in 2018, with a bequest from his late mother Marjorie, as a project to benefit people in the Bridgwater area with a theme of improving health and wellbeing.

Working with other community groups and organisations, The Hub and its partners work to ensure that people know where to find help and support when it is needed.

The Hub is located on the upper floor in Angel Place Shopping Centre and is open Monday-Friday 9am to 3pm, with the capability to open later or at weekends for those who would like to utilise the space.

For more information on services and upcoming projects, visit www.thehubatbridgwater.org or call 07961861608.