BRIDGWATER has shown its support for the people of Ukraine, one year on from Russia's invasion.

On Friday, February 24, towns and cities across the world raised Ukrainian flags on their public buildings, and Bridgwater was amongst them.

People across the UK observed the anniversary of the conflict with a minute's silence at 11am.

Councillor Brian Smedley, leader of the town council, said: "Bridgwater Town Council opened the doors of the town hall, made space and resources available as a collection and sorting point for donations.

"The good people of Bridgwater donated two lorryloads of relief aid while the Town Council paid for the transport both times.

"Similar efforts have taken place across the town and around the county. Nobody wants this war in Ukraine except a clique around Vladimir Putin and we all want it to stop."

In Somerset, many residents have opened their homes to Ukrainian refugees since the invasion took place.

Somerset County Council is working with Mendip, Sedgemoor, Somerset West and Taunton and South Somerset District Councils, the Somerset NHS Clinical Commissioning Group, Avon and Somerset Police, and local charities and community groups to help both sponsors and refugees.

Wells Cathedral hosted a vigil marking one year of the war in Ukraine, remembering the many lives changed and lost in the conflict. The vigil took place at Wells Cathedral on Sunday February 26 at 3pm.

Additionally, there was a display organised by Ukrainians outside St Johns Church in the centre of Yeovil, and the Yeovil Welcome Hub offered a quiet and reflective space for anyone wanting to come and pray.

Galyna Tryndyuk is the coordinator of Somerset Aid for Ukraine

Galyna wrote: "Exactly one year ago, on February 24, 2022 at 4am, we faced the war. It caught us all abruptly.

"Someone was sleeping soundly, someone was putting the baby to bed, someone was going to work, someone was returning home from a trip, someone was giving birth and someone was confessing their love, but time stopped with the explosions.

"We are grateful for your support through the Homes for Ukraine scheme and for your help to Ukrainians who chose to stay in Ukraine. They need to hear ‘uou are not forgotten, We care for you and support you.’"

How you can help:

The Homes for Ukraine scheme offers a route to the UK for people from Ukraine.

Currently, people can sponsor guests from Ukraine to come to the UK and stay in their homes for at least six months.

To apply to the scheme, visit the county council's Ukraine website. To access support if you’re sponsoring a Ukrainian refugee, click here.

People who are willing to become a Homes for Ukraine sponsor should fill out this online form which includes some guidance for prospective sponsors.