AVON and Somerset Police are supporting this year's Pride of Somerset Youth Awards.

A spokesperson from the police force said: "Avon and Somerset Police have been a sponsor of the event for several years and each year a senior officer attends the event alongside the PCC. This year Somerset area commander superintendent Dickon Turner will be attending the awards."

Ch Supt Sandy Padgett, 41, was the district commander for Somerset West police district, which covers Taunton, Wellington, Minehead, Bridgwater and Burnham.

She previously worked as chief inspector and superintendent in Yeovil, covering Somerset East, which also includes Chard and Ilminster.

She joined the constabulary as a police constable in 1993 and served across Bristol and at police headquarters and also at the Home Office.

She was a leading part of the Action on Street Crime and Citizen Focused Policing initiatives.

She had lived in Somerset for more than a decade with her husband and two children, before suddenly passing from natural causes in 2009.

Speaking at the time, a previous Avon and Somerset chief constable, Colin Port, said: "This tragic loss has come as a great shock to everybody and our deepest sympathies go to her husband and children.

"Sandy will be greatly missed by all of those who knew and worked with her.

"She was an exceptional police officer who was extremely well respected by all those fortunate enough to work with her."

This is the 16th year that the event has been running. Other supporters include the Rotary Club of Taunton, Bridgwater and Taunton College, and Young Somerset. 

Winners of the award will be recognised in a special ceremony, which will be held on May 11 at the Taunton campus of Bridgwater and Taunton College.

Those that have won will be presented with an award certificate on the night. There is a limit of 10 winners, one of which will be a winner of the Sandy Padgett award.

There are a wide range of different categories included, such as enterprise, charitable giving, sport and more. There can be more than one winner chosen from each category.