BRIDGWATER Town Council hosted its quarterly police forum on Wednesday, May 21, with several issues being raised by members present.

The meeting was chaired by Cllr Brian Smedley who, with Cllr Liz Marsh and Cllr Tim Mander, heads up the councillor police forum.

The police were represented by neighbourhood sergeant Kat Forest, PCSO team leader Lora Bray and community safety manager Rob Semple.

Cllr Smedley kicked off the session by raising concerns about anti-social behaviour by school aged children at the YMCA.

Bridgwater Mercury: Town Council Leader Brian Smedley chairs the Police Forum.Town Council Leader Brian Smedley chairs the Police Forum. (Image: Contributed)

The council says the police have made progress has been made progress by identifying individuals and working with local schools.

Cllr Tim Mander then raised the ongoing issue of street drinkers who gather outside the Nationwide band and adjacent charity shop.

Bridgwater Mercury: Cllr Tim Mander and Cllr Kathy Pearce meet with Town Wardens in the town centre.Cllr Tim Mander and Cllr Kathy Pearce meet with Town Wardens in the town centre. (Image: Westover Ward/ Cllr Brian Smedley.)

A council spokesperson said: “The problem revolves around the perception of threat.

“The police response was this was tricky as quite often a crime hasn’t been committed.

“Whilst it can be very intimidating, the wardens are regularly in the area and are building relationships and being received well by the public.”

The spokesperson added: “Drug use in Blake Gardens was raised as a continuing problem but again must be properly reported each time with as much detail as possible.”

With the town council’s plans to re-open Recreation a couple of members had concerns regarding an open session held in the previous week. 

Bridgwater Mercury: Town Clerk David Mears with police on Hamp.Town Clerk David Mears with police on Hamp. (Image: Bridgwater Eastover Web)

A recent break-in at  the former Legion Building in Castle Street was highlighted to the present police officials.

Cllr Smedley the raised the issue of camping and problems with human excrement, asking what police protocol is for dealing this kind of problem.