THE Bridgwater Town Council Labour Group has released a statement following the resignation of Richard Morgan.

Mr Morgan, who was the Labour councillor for the Fairfax East ward on Bridgwater Town Council, was one of 51 people accused of contempt of court after sitting outside the Kingsbury Oil Terminal near Tamworth in a peaceful protest as part of Just Stop Oil in 2022.

The protesters appeared at Birmingham Crown Court and were sent to HMP Pentonville after being found guilty of breaching a High Court injunction aimed at preventing protests outside the terminal.

Mr Morgan was sentenced to 23 days’ imprisonment, suspended for two years, and was also ordered to pay fines and costs totalling £320.77.

Mr Morgan was suspended and has recently quit the Labour Party.

The Bridgwater Town Council Labour Group said: “Bridgwater Town Council Labour Group were disappointed to hear through the press of Cllr Richard Morgan’s decision to leave the Labour Party just a year after being elected with the rest of us on a Labour platform.

"It is particularly disappointing as the Bridgwater Town Labour Group and Bridgwater Branch had sought to support him through the process of his original arrest and subsequent suspension by the National Party following the receipt of a formal complaint.

"Whilst the Group absolutely supports the right of peaceful protest, actions can lead to consequences and in Labour Party procedures this involved a process of investigation into the complaint during which point we were not allowed to comment on the case.

"Cllr Morgan was NOT suspended for ‘peaceful protest’ nor for his membership of’ ‘Just Stop Oil’ but because of allegations of law breaking potentially incompatible with the councillor code of conduct. In terms of the legislation, he had not overstepped those conditions and we were prepared to defend him on this basis.

"In terms of Labour Party rules, it is up to the National Executive Committee, after a hearing, to determine if the nature of the offence brought the party into disrepute, and they can decide themselves if this constitutes a ‘serious’ offence. 

"Because of Cllr Morgan’s resignation, that investigation and hearing will now obviously not take place."