LAST night's blue supermoon was the last of its kind until 2037.

Somerset residents were blessed with some top tier viewing spots for the rare astronomical event, with Wells, Bruton, and Wellington all benefitting from low light pollution and dark rural skies.

Despite slightly cloudy conditions affecting general visibility of the phenomenon, some of our most talented readers still managed to capture some excellent snaps of the supermoon.

Here are the best pictures of the blue supermoon, taken by our readers.

The blue supermoon over Glastonbury Tor

Bridgwater Mercury: The blue supermoon captured behind Glastonbury Tor, taken by Mike Jeffries.This stunning snap captured by Mike Jefferies shows the blue supermoon overlooking perhaps Somerset's most iconic landmark, Glastonbury Tor.

Also pictured are some dedicated star-spotters who have climbed to the top of the hill for an idyllic viewing experience.

Although the clouds block a full view of the moon, this adds an edgy, moody feel to the shot. Well done, Mike!

Glowing blue supermoon

Bridgwater Mercury: Again, an excellent photograph here from our reader Gerald Russell.

The moon is very bright here, which could mean Gerald stayed up until the optimal viewing time of 2.35am to snap this shot.

Regardless of what time you went to bed, nice work, Gerald.

Up close and personal with the blue supermoon

Bridgwater Mercury: This picture from Debs van Meeuwen-Jones captures every detail of the moon in all its glory.

As well as clearly showing the moon's craters and bumps, this picture serves as a reminder as to why some believe it's made from cheese. Great shot!

Spooky blue supermoon

Bridgwater Mercury: The last shot in our blue supermoon gallery comes from Stuart Williamson.

Although blurred by the clouds, this picture excellently captures the drama of the moon, and brings a definite spooky feel.

Just in time for Halloween, which is only two months away. Thanks, Stuart!

A special thank you to all of our readers who took out their cameras in the dark of the night to capture these shots.

All readers are welcome to submit their photos for future articles by posting them to our Facebook group, Somerset Camera Club