RESIDENTS have something to be excited about as 40,000 people will flock to the annual St Matthews Fair in Bridgwater this week.

The event will kick things off on Wednesday September 27, with a wide range of rides, games, and entertainment spanning the four day duration of the fair.

Vendors will pack up and head home on Saturday September 30.

Unknown to many, the travelling fair has a deep-rooted local history, and has taken place in St Matthews Field for over 600 years.

Almost 800 years ago, the Charter of King John decreed that the fair would take place annually on the last Wednesday of September.

It was originally held in the town centre, before relocating in 1404.

The event's social significance was magnified as farmers who were unable to leave the town due to work, looked forward to the fair's resurgence year upon year.

It also served as a platform for manual labour workers to spread word of their services, and hire themselves out at the event.

Make sure to grab your copy of the Bridgwater Mercury from September 26, which will include an offer for £5 off rides at the fair.