RESIDENTS living on Bridgwater’s southern edge can access local services more easily on foot after new paths were completed.

The Stockmoor and Wilstock Country Park lies in the centre of the housing developments which share the same name and, when completed, will comprise more than 1,400 new dwellings near junction 24 of the M5.

Bloor Homes South West and Persimmon Homes South West have been gradually stumping up funding for all-weather paths across the green space, helping to link the new homes to local shops, schools and other vital facilities.

Somerset Council has now completed the delivery of the latest paths across Bridgwater’s southern green lung, making car-free travel from the new homes a whole lot easier.

The previous phase of paths, delivered by Sedgemoor District Council, saw 225 metres of all-weather surfacing installed in the summer of 2022.

These three sections focussed on Sorrel Drive and the surrounding streets, providing pedestrian links to Limousin Way, Nokoto Drive and Wills Road.

The latest additions, which were begun in mid-October and completed in a matter of weeks, provide a further 685 metres of multi-user surfacing, which is suitable for pedestrians, cyclists, pushchairs, wheelchairs and mobility scooters.

One section, from Wilstock Way, joins up with existing paths at the southern edge of the park, while two others provide links between Rhode Lane and Wills Road, via Lilliana Way.

These three short sections cost £37,675 to deliver, with the cost being entirely borne by the housing developers.

Councillor Federica Smith-Roberts, portfolio holder for communities, housing and culture, said: “The Stockmoor and Wilstock Country Park provides a valuable recreational resource for local communities and an important habitat for wildlife.

“It was provided by developers to off-set the housing development at Stockmoor and Wilstock Village.

“The site continues to evolve since its transfer to the council, and the extra pathways will open up further opportunities for people to explore the site.”

In addition to benefiting the existing residents of Stockmoor and Wilstock Village, the new paths form a small but vital link in Bridgwater’s growing cycling network, known as the Bridgwater Way.

The council is currently exploring ways to link up the country park with the Meads eco-park, providing better links between the Hamp and Haygrove areas of the town.

Stuart Martin, the council’s regeneration manager, stated in early-March that the council was prioritising a north-south link between Rhode Lane and the Durleigh Gardens site on Haygrove Road.

He said: “Getting the east-west link to the town centre [through the Meads] in place is very important. Now what we need to look at is the north-south link.

“We’ve been working with Notaro Housing to implement that link, which will take us out onto Rhode Lane.”

The country park’s new paths will also provide links to other facilities as they come on stream – including the long-awaited Wilstock Hub on Campion Way, which was granted planning permission in late-April.

The council and the Friends of the Stockmoor and Wilstock Country Park recently met to look at future plans for the park, including new sections of path and signage to direct people to the relevant amenities.

With nearly 500 new homes and commercial units planned for the Bridgwater Gateway site to the south of Stockmoor Village, these paths can expect to become more invaluable and popular in the years to come.

Council leader Bill Revans, whose North Petherton division includes the park, stressed the need for this new homes to connect with the green lung when the Bridgwater Gateway design guide was approved in late-March.

Speaking at the time, he said: “This site needs to connect through to Willstock Village and through to Stockmoor much better than it does at the moment.

“I have a fear that it will be a ghetto at the end of a cul-de-sac, and I really think we’re missing an opportunity here.”

In the long run, the Stockmoor and Wilstock paths will provide connections to an unbroken off-road cycle route between North Petherton and Chilton Trinity, running along the A38 Taunton Road and passing through West Quay and the Northgate Docks.

This route – dubbed the ‘green route’ in the Bridgwater local cycling and walking infrastructure plan (LCWIP) – currently has no council or government funding committed to its delivery.

However, the docks will be regenerated under the Bridgwater town deal to the tune of £4.2m – with a further £1m being provided for walking and cycling routes in the surrounding area.