BRIDGWATER Labour have selected their candidate to stand in the upcoming town council by-election.

Lifelong local Megan Boucher will represent Labour in the by-election to fill a vacant role on Bridgwater's Fairfax East Ward.

The spot has been empty since the sad death of Councillor Alex Glassford who passed away earlier this year.

Four candidates will be fighting for selection including Diogo Rodrigues for the Conservatives, Anthony Nickolls for the Liberal Democrats and Pele Barnes standing as an independent candidate.

Speaking on new candidate Megan Boucher, Town Council Deputy Leader Cllr Kathy Pearce (Labour) said: “Bridgwater Town Council has a strong dedicated Labour team working together to take our town forward and we need Megan Boucher to be part of that team with her experience in the field of youth and community.”

County Labour Leader Cllr Leigh Redman (Labour) added: “Megan is a campaigner and cares about the people in her community. 

"As we take back control for our community, we need people with a clear and united Labour vision and who care about the climate, our environment and our town.”

Megan was born and raised in Bridgwater, and even attended Haygrove School.

She worked at a local church for ten years before arriving at her current role as a wellbeing officer at Bridgwater and Taunton College.

In her spare time Megan organises activities for socially isolated people - you may recognise her from her Solidarity & Compassion Van which has been attending community spaces in the area since April this year.

As a mother herself – to Alice, aged three – Megan understands the challenges faced by working parents.

“That’s why I’m standing for Labour,” she said. 

“Ours is a party that puts fair pay, affordable housing and accessible healthcare for all at the centre of everything it does.

"A thriving economy is one that benefits everyone, not just a select few."

If elected, Megan hopes to focus on the following areas in the Fairfax East ward:

  • Reducing anti-social behaviour.
  • Improving road safety.
  • Ensuring that any expansion in housing is sustainable.

“Bridgwater is a town which has always taken pride in its community spirit," she added.

"My vision for Bridgwater and for Fairfax East is for a thriving community where no-one is left behind.”

The election date is set for Monday, December 18.