SOMERSET Council has been recognised as one of the world's leaders in responding to the climate emergency.

The authority was graded A- for its contribution to mitigating against climate change this year, a cut above the global average of C, and the regional average of B.

Graded by CDP, seen as the ‘gold standard of environmental’ reporting, it's the first time Somerset Council has been rated by the charity.

The score is based on the council’s climate-related projects, strategies and activities.

These include its plans for expanding the county’s electric vehicle charging network, its Tree Strategy, and work to encourage the uptake of ‘retrofit’ home heat efficiency.

The A- score shows: "Somerset Council has demonstrated best practice standards across adaptation and mitigation, set ambitious goals and made progress towards achieving those goals."

Ahead of, and post vesting day of the new unitary authority on 1 April 2023, officers across Somerset Council have been working collaboratively on climate related activities.

Dixie Darch, Somerset Council’s executive lead member for environment and climate change, said: “A greener and more sustainable county is one of the new council’s priorities and we are delighted that this well-recognised benchmark for good practice has given our work such a seal of approval.”