LOCALS, friends, and family all came together on Saturday (December 2) to lace up their running shoes and raise awareness of road safety in memory of Bethany Branson, who tragically died in a three-vehicle collision last November.

Bethany's family want the government to conduct a review of the powers of and responsibilities of landlords, with the aim to prevent drink driving where possible.

They have launched a petition for the matter to be discussed in Parliament, which can be signed here. 

The memorial run was organised by Claire Sully, the Liberal Democrats' parliamentary candidate for the new Bridgwater constituency.

Claire is taking on a series of organised runs which will take her across the new Bridgwater constituency, shining a light on the concerns of residents within the various towns and villages which make up the area.

The run on Saturday morning was the first of many routes set to be ran by Claire to raise awareness for local road safety.