SOMERSET Council held the first public consultation meeting to discuss the future of Bridgwater Docks last week.

Over 100 people turned up to the Bridgwater Sea Cadets Hall on Wednesday, December 13 to give their input on how the allocated £5.2million should be used to regenerate the historic site.

The money was secured from the government as part of £23.2million granted to the Bridgwater Town Deal to fund and 'level up' eleven projects in the town.

Some of the ideas proposed for the site at the meeting included floating markets/events, floating restaurants and cafes, and even inflatable water events.

Those in attendance to the consultation had the chance to meet the project team and share their views on the future of the docks.

Feedback forms are still available and can be collected from Somerset Council’s offices at Bridgwater House.

The project team will review the feedback which will help shape plans for the scheme - further consultations will be held as the project progresses.

Paul Moore, Chair of the Bridgwater Town Deal Board, said: “This is probably one of the most exciting of all the eleven Town Deal projects, it’s certainly one of the most technically challenging.

"This is an opportunity to make this neglected area a useful space once again a destination for visitors and locals alike.

"Just a short walk from Northgate Yard town centre it has so much potential, thanks to the Towns Fund as part of the Government Levelling Up Programme, we have some money to spend on this upgrade.”

A member of the Docks Project team said: “It was fantastic that so many people turned up to the event to learn more about the project and to share their ideas for the future of Bridgwater Docks.

"In the past the docks was the commercial heartbeat of the town and we hope that this project will help to breathe new life into the area to provide a sustainable future that supports new commercial investment, improves the local environment and respects the needs of the many and varied users including local residents.”

Cllr Ros Wyke, Somerset Council’s Lead Member for Economic Development, Planning & Assets, said: “The funding will see the revival of the historic Docks quarter as well as the development of sustainable travel options – particularly in our walking and cycling routes.

“It’s heartening to see so many people come along to the consultation and this illustrates the enthusiasm of residents and businesses towards the project.”