Bridgwater United Community Sports Trust (BUCST) is launching two new initiatives to address men’s mental health.

The Somerset Community Interest Company (CIC) plans to support men's mental health and help to reduce loneliness by providing outlets for men to socialise and stay active.

The trust has partnered with Talk Club, providing a safe space for men to discuss mental health freely.

Every Thursday, men can gather in the sponsor lounge and engage in informal chats.

Daniel Rogers, head of community at the trust, said: “We are thrilled to have partnered with Talk Club, offering our sponsor lounge as a safe space where men can get together every Thursday, to talk about their mental health and be heard.

"We know that isolation can play a big part in men’s mental health struggles and we hope to be a part of the solution to that loneliness.

Bridgwater Mercury: (From left to right) Steve Barnard, Community Manager at Talk Club and Daniel Rogers, Head of

“Our ‘Wellbeing Wanderers’ sessions will run on Wednesdays from 6pm at HOST Sedgemoor, and help men stay active and physically well while also getting them together as part of a team to have a laugh.”

In addition to the Talk Club sessions, the Trust will launch 'Wellbeing Wanderers' football training sessions.

Starting from 6pm every Wednesday at HOST Sedgemoor, the sessions aim to keep men physically well and foster a sense of camaraderie.

The trust is currently looking for volunteers to guide Talk Clubs and future Wellbeing Wanderers sessions.

Mr Rogers encouraged interested individuals to reach out, adding: "Every 90 minutes a man dies by suicide, we want to be part of a movement to change that.

"By taking these steps, we are making positive moves to reduce the mens suicide rate, make a positive change and as always with everything we do, support our community.”

BUCST promotes access to quality sport, physical activity, and wellbeing provisions for the local community, regardless of age, gender, or ethnicity.

It uses football to motivate community engagement, increase school participation and improve health and wellbeing.

For more information on these initiatives, visit and or follow BUCST on their social media pages.