A PLAY area in Bridgwater has re-opened after being locked due to a recent rise in dog fouling.

The small fenced play area between Bristol Road and Union Street was closed to the public after Somerset Council inspection teams noted an increase in dog faeces being left in the park.

It was decided that the area would be suspended in attempt to deter the culprits from using the children's area as a site to leave their dog waste.

Somerset and Bridgwater Councillor Leigh Redman received calls from local residents asking why the area containing swings, a climbing frame, and a bench, was closed, and confirmed the playground has since re-opened.

“I spoke with officers in the team; all play spaces under the control of Somerset Council are inspected weekly," Cllr Redman said.

"It appeared that in this instance the team had encountered problems with some dog owners using the area to run their dogs off lead.

"The dogs then ‘do their business’, the owners are not clearing up after, so for the safety of young people a decision was taken to suspend the play area in an attempt to move the regular culprits on - signs were posted explaining the issue.

“I have met with officers from council, we have asked the dog wardens to increase patrols, the play area is open again.

“I want to encourage other residents to report dog fouling - there are two bins in the immediate area, it only takes a moment to pick up after your dog, would you want your younger relatives to be effected by dog mess in a play area?

“You can use any of the council bins to dispose dog poo bags.”