A LOW-COST food pantry which opened in Bridgwater last year is celebrating its first birthday today (Wednesday, February 14).

Victoria Park Local Pantry (VPLP) volunteers have officially been serving the community for an entire year.

VPLP is part of the Somerset Local Pantry Network (SLPN), who buy and collect surplus food and make it available to members for a low weekly fee.

Each local pantry helps reduce food waste and makes food affordable for local families which saves them money.

A small celebration took place to mark the birthday, attended by guests including Cllr Theo Butt Philip, Lead Member responsible for Partnerships and Localities at Somerset Council; the Mayor of Bridgwater, Cllr Mick Lerry and Mayoress of Bridgwater, Cllr Liz Marsh.

The local dignitaries along with the pantry’s staff and volunteers all enjoyed speeches, a cake cutting, and a raffle.

In just six months since it opened for the first time, the pantry was fully subscribed with 30 members, and by working with FareShare South West, they contribute to saving 1800 tonnes of food from going to waste each year.

The ten volunteers who work to operate the pantry were recently recognised in FareShare South West’s Social Impact Awards 2023, winning the Social and Community Award as members of the SLPN.

The Mayor and Mayoress of Bridgwater donated £700 to the pantry to mark the anniversary, which will help it to continue to deliver affordable food to the local community while preventing food waste.

Laura Fowler, Manager at Victoria Park Community Centre said: “The Pantry has become a significant part of the community. Feedback shows that members value the volunteers and the pantry.

“It enables people to join the food waste fight but has also been a real support to people throughout the cost-of-living crisis, leading to the volunteers and members building wonderful relationships.

“My ambition is to grow the pantry in 2024.”

Cllr Theo Butt Philip said: “It was a real honour to be invited to celebrate the Victoria Park Local Pantry’s first birthday with the team and the Mayor and Mayoress of Bridgwater.

“They have achieved so much in their first year; from supporting 30 Bridgwater households, saving tonnes of food from going to waste, and becoming award winners - all in just 12 months!

"They should be incredibly proud of themselves - Somerset Council is certainly proud of them.

“Wishing everyone at VPLP a happy birthday and we look forward to seeing what else you achieve by your second birthday!”