NEW data has revealed some shocking statistics on burglaries in Bridgwater during the year 2023.

The figures, revealed in a Freedom of Information request by Newsquest AI, show that out of 297 reported burglaries in the town, just 1.7% resulted in a charge/summons, significantly lower than the national average of 3.9% for the year.

3.1% of reports were revealed to have resulted in a 'positive outcome', which encompasses outcomes such as a community resolution, in addition to traditional charges/summons.

For 213 of the total reported burglaries in 2023 the police were unable to find a suspect, or there was no line of enquiry.

A further 29 reports led to a suspect, but had insufficient evidence to make a charge, and an additional 13 resulted in the suspect or victim declining to cooperate.

One reported burglary in Bridgwater last year did not result in a charge as the victim/witness was 'dead or ill'.

Power tools were the most commonly stolen item over the year, with 47 incidents recorded on Avon and Somerset Police's crime recording system.

Garden power tools were the second most commonly stolen item, with eleven incidents, and hand tools ranked third with ten.

Building materials were also frequently stolen in Bridgwater over 2023, with nine incidents recorded by the police.

Some less commonly burgled items included a street light/traffic light, an air rifle, a wheelchair/scooter, and one chicken.

Read more: Bridgwater's burglary hotspots revealed by new findings

In response to the worrying statistics, Avon and Somerset have affirmed the local force will strive to do better, and added that burglaries in Bridgwater have actually seen an overall decline over the past four years.

"Burglary is serious crime and can leave victims feeling vulnerable and unsafe in their own home," a spokesperson for Avon and Somerset Police said.

"We recognise the significant impact these incidents can have and that is one reason why all burglaries in progress are treated as requiring immediate attendance.

"Since 2019, we have seen an overall decline in the number of burglaries being reported in Bridgwater, with 486 incidents taking place in 2019 and 289 in 2023.

"While the outcomes are not as high as we would like, we are striving to improve them and, in October 2023, we estimated we're attending around 90 per cent of all dwelling burglaries.

"Officers attending a burglary will often look for video footage, such as CCTV or doorbell footage, forensic evidence and any patterns which could link to a series - working and seeking support from our dedicated team Op Remedy who specialise in identifying and investigating serial burglars.

The police also shared advice to help Bridgwater residents ensure their home is at less risk of being burgled.

"Most burglaries are committed by opportunist thieves, so we encourage the public to consider how they can make their properties more secure," the spokesperson continued.

"There are several crime prevention tools available to make homes, garages and sheds more secure.

"People can consider installing CCTV, doorbell cameras and internal cameras to capture and deter any would-be criminals, make sure all doors and windows are securely locked, and hiding away anything valuable such as jewellery, cash, car keys and electronics.

"Another step is to have valuable items marked to aid in returning them if they are recovered.

"If you have been away from your home to discover it has been broken in to, do not enter your home.

"Call us straight away as there may be forensic evidence at the scene which could aid in our enquiries.

"For more information and advice on securing your home, visit our website here.

"To find out what to do in the event of a burglary, see our burglary page on our website."