BRIDGWATER parliamentary candidates have been criticised for choosing not to attend several hustings events in the constituency at short notice.

Leigh Redman (Labour) and Ashley Fox (Conservative) did not attend the 'Pride Hustings' scheduled in Highbridge for Friday, June 21, nor the Churches Together hustings, which was set to take place in Burnham-On-Sea.

Claire Sully, the Liberal Democrat candidate for the new Bridgwater constituency, said both politicians were not performing their duties.

"This is a dereliction of duty from the Conservative and Labour candidates who have let down communities by choosing to not be scrutinised by our electorate ahead of the general election," Ms Sully said.

"The Liberal Democrats are on the surge in Bridgwater, and the Tories and Labour are running scared.

"If they are running away from the electorate during the campaign, how are they going to stand up for residents as an MP?"

In response to Ms Sully's Claims, Labour candidate Leigh Redman said he 'absolutely rejects the statement', and explained that he was caring for his grandson at the time of one of the events, and couldn't attend the other due to a 'prior engagement'.

He said that on both occasions he thanked organisers for the invite and declined, and affirmed that he did not ‘refuse’ to attend.

"It is disappointing that the Liberal Democrat candidate is using the people of Burnham-on-Sea and Highbridge and their concerns as a political football in a bid to create unnecessary bad feeling and division," Mr Redman said.

"Multiple polls are showing a clear two-horse race in this constituency between Labour and Conservative.

"Despite what the Liberal Democrat candidate may wish to lead voters to believe, a vote for a candidate other than Leigh is a vote for five more years of Conservative rule in this constituency.

"It is a shame that a candidate... would choose to sow division and negativity in a community she claims to care about, this close to such an important vote."

Ashley Fox, Bridgwater's Conservative candidate, also stated that his lack of attendance to the events was down to a full schedule, and that - like Mr Redman - was focusing on knocking on doors and speaking to constituents.

"I have agreed to participate in three hustings during the campaign on June 20, 21, and 27," Mr Fox said.

“The two hustings organised in Burnham clashed with other commitments and my campaign schedule is now full.

“I have been knocking on hundreds of doors and speaking to people across the Bridgwater and Burnham area and hope to speak to many more residents over the next two weeks about the positive plan I have for this area.” 

Labour candidate Leigh Redman also did not attend a further hustings at Robert Blake School on Thursday, July 20, which was attended by both Ashley Fox, and Claire Sully, as well as Charles Graham (Green Party), and Pelé Barnes (Independent).

Speaking of this, Ms Sully said: “The Labour candidate has shown how he takes business leaders for granted by not attending this important hustings event at the Bridgwater Chamber of Commerce.

“If he has more important things to do, how does he expect to meet the requirements of his electorate as an MP?

"He has not attended a single hustings event and caused the cancellation of two further hustings.

"This is not the appropriate actions of a future MP and residents of the Bridgwater constituency deserve much better."Candidates pictured at a hustings at Robert Blake School.Candidates pictured at a hustings at Robert Blake School. (Image: Robert Blake School)

In response to this, Mr Redman said: "Unfortunately I was unable to make the hustings at Robert Blake School due to caring responsibilities, I did explain this to the organiser, despite all that is going on with elections my family still comes first as I'm sure it would for every other candidate.

"I would also point out that there were several other candidates absent from the event. It is disappointing that she would take away from celebrating political engagement with the young people present to take cheap shots at me specifically.

"I am hugely proud that so many local young people got involved in the event, it's a great sign that our future generations are so engaged in our democracy."