SOMERSET Council has approved plans for the construction of new 'Gypsy and Traveller pitches' near Bridgwater.

In October 2023, Mr Orchard, Mr Douglas, Mr Loveridge, and Mr Wells all applied to build the expanded site on an area of land near Batch Road, in Puriton.

Somerset Council approved the 'partly retrospectively' submitted application on Wednesday, July 10.

The site - formerly used for equestrian purposes - will be used to house 'four Gypsy and Traveller pitches with a total of five static caravans, four touring caravans and timber amenity blocks, along with hardstanding, fencing and associated landscaping.'

At the time of the application, there were already occupants lined up to move into one of the four proposed plots.

According to the design and access statement, an equestrian storage building will be converted to provide domestic and hardstanding storage for the occupants of Plot 4, who operate a landscaping business.

It says: "The pitches are proposed to be occupied by persons who fulfil the definition of Gypsies and Travelers."

Details of the dimensions and appearance of the proposed mobile homes were not provided as part of the application.

"Mobile homes are by their nature interchangeable structures; therefore, it is inappropriate to condition details of size or appearance in a more restrictive manner," the application states.

A 2011 needs assessment undertaken by Sedgemoor District Council identified a need for 45 permanent pitches, five transit pitches and five plots for travelling show people in the district.

The council have since confirmed that there is a remaining shortfall of 29 Gypsy and Traveller pitches needed.

Mr Orchard, Mr Douglas, Mr Loveridge, and Mr Wells said that the forrmer Sedgemoor District Council failed to deliver on its commitment to Gypsies and Travellers in the area, and added that their proposed site in Puriton would help to deliver the results of the former council assessment.

"Sedgemoor has failed to deliver its policy commitments relating to an updated assessment of need and the preparation of a development plan document to address the unmet need and delivery of pitches for Gypsies and Travellers," the applicants wrote.

"The failure of policy and significant unmet need weighs heavily in favour of this proposal and the proposal accords with the interim approach of delivering pitches through individual planning applications."

More information on the plans can be viewed by searching for the application number 42/23/00013 on the Somerset Council website.