A SEND school in Bridgwater has received a positive Ofsted report following its first ever full inspection.

Polden Bower School first opened in 2021, and had since only received a short 'monitoring visit' from Ofsted, which took place in 2022.

Inspectors returned to the school on May 21 and 22 earlier this year, and a recently published report rates Polden Bower 'Good' overall, but also 'Outstanding' in multiple areas.

Ofsted noted that pupils 'love coming to school' and 'thrive because their needs are met effectively'.

In particular, the school's well-designed curriculum was commended in the report due to its ability to 'carefully meet the diverse needs of pupils', and helping them to acquire early language, communication, reading and interaction skills.

It was also recognised that staff are proud to work at Polden Bower, and all 'share an aspiration to do what is best for the pupils who learn there and their families.'

The inspector commended many of the school's new leaders, and recognised how the pandemic has led to a high turnover of staff, despite some concerns from parents.

"Nevertheless, pupils demonstrate what most others believe: that they are safe, well cared for and thriving," they wrote.

Furthermore, staff were praised for their delivery of the curriculum, linking learning to pupils' interests, and maintaining this standard all the way through until the end of sixth form, when pupils are 'well prepared for the next stage of their education'.

The report particular drew upon pupils' wellbeing and development at Polden Bower, noting the strong start which is made by all Reception pupils, 'rapid' progress due to a love of reading, and support given to all pupils to gain confidence to 'embrace their uniqueness and gain strength of character.'

As a result, the school was rated Good overall, and in all areas other than Behaviour and Attitudes, and Personal Development, in which it was both deemed Outstanding.

Two small suggestions to improve the curriculum at Polden Bower were made by Ofsted.

Firstly, the inspector noticed that 'occasionally, pupils do not learn as much as they could' due to the curriculum not being 'consistently ambitious' across all subjects.

Secondly, it was noted that although the school is looking to make improvements to the curriculum, not all of these are yet established.

"The school should continue to embed its plans so that leaders’ vision, policies and practices are fully realised," the inspector wrote.

To view the full report, search Polden Bower School on the official Ofsted website.