A NEW group of supporters for the Bridgwater Arts Centre is set to be launched this week.

Following news that Bridgwater Town Council had secured the future of the integral arts centre, Cllr Brian Smedley - leader of the council - has announced a new ‘friends of’ group will be set up to 'ensure the popular arts venue would be rooted in the work and aspirations  of its members, volunteers and users.'

A meeting will be held at the venue on Wednesday, July 24, to establish the group, and elect a chair.

Speaking on the new group, Cllr Smedley said “The arts centre will be run in the same form as the rest of the town council which is via the Triad system. 

"There will be three parts to the steering group - the elected councillors, the professional staff, and the members -each will form one side of the triad.

"For the friends group, that means electing four delegates, including one as chair of the arts centre.

"The town council’s interest is preserving this crucial piece of the towns heritage for future generations and ensuring that everybody has a say in the running of the place.

"I urge all supporters, members, volunteers and users to attend the meeting, sign up to become ‘friends’ and then take the art centre forward knowing it has the full backing of the town council.”

The first official meeting of the group will be held at Bridgwater Arts Centre on Tuesday, August 6, at 4pm.

In November 2023, plans were submitted to Somerset Council with hopes to renovate the arts centre building.

Permission was granted in May 2024, meaning access to the building will be improved with new handrails up the steps of the main entrance, and the existing glass door will be replaced with glazed, automatic double-doors.

The theatre will benefit from new acoustic ceilings, acoustic doors, and fire doors, and on the first floor of the building a studio, meeting rooms, and office spaces will be installed.

Existing unused rooms on the second floor of the building will be renovated to provide office accommodation, and the staff kitchen will be reconfigured with toilets reinstated.

The basement area will also be renovated to create improved dressing rooms and storage areas.