Bridgwater Chamber of Commerce has appointed a new general manager.

Roger Smith will be returning to the post, having previously managed the Chamber for two years between 2020 and 2022.

Prior to rejoining, Mr Smith spent two years working for a Bridgwater waste-management company, Presona UK.

He also spent a decade managing Angel Place Shopping Centre.

During his previous tenure with the Chamber, Mr Smith assisted local businesses throughout the Covid pandemic.

His support involved guiding businesses towards grants, conducting training workshops, and organising online networking events.

He also developed links with local authorities as well as stakeholders like Bridgwater and Taunton College, EDF, and This is Gravity.

Mr Smith said: "Returning to this role is about ensuring that the Chamber is at the forefront of the drive to ensure that the local business community have every possible chance to take full advantage of the opportunities we have locally with the exciting projects that we have on our doorstep such as This is Gravity and Agratas.

"I look forward to developing new, and existing, connections through a wide variety of events, both formal and social as well as lobbying local and central government and helping Bridgwater to fulfil its enormous potential."

The chairman of the Chamber's board, Gavin Roberts, said: "It’s great to have someone of Roger’s experience and ability back to help ensure that the Chamber is able to continue its goal of supporting local business, he is not just a steady and safe pair of hands, he is genuinely excited and ridiculously passionate about taking on the challenges that face us as small businesses."

Residents can meet Mr Smith at a free event on Thursday, August 8 to find out more about the Chamber's plans.

For more information on Bridgwater Chamber of Commerce, visit or email Mr Smith at