A LOCAL artist has been elected chair of the new Friends of Bridgwater Arts Centre group, following its first meeting.

Jonet Middleton was chosen to lead the group, which means she also becomes chair of the new Arts Centre Steering Group set up to take the project forward under Bridgwater Town Council.

Speaking after the meeting, Jonet said: “I thought the meeting went well and feel we are now on a positive path to a great future.

"As a Bridgwater girl I have been involved with the arts centre since the 1960s, most recently with the Visual Arts Committee, and as a volunteer.

"I care not only about the beautiful building but also about the part the arts centre can play in the community. 

"The friends group will look to increase participation in all areas of the arts in Bridgwater”.

The meeting also elected three further delegates to the steering group: Jan Elliott, Liz Bell, and Alona De Havilland.

Leader of Bridgwater Town Council, Brian Smedley, said: “This is the final link in the transfer from the old to the new at the arts centre.

"The friends group will play a valuable role in bringing together members, users and volunteers, who are the lifeblood of this place, and will play the leading role on the new Steering Group in equal part alongside councillors and officers.

"The arts centre has a bright future and it’s secure because of the town council's commitment to maintaining and staffing  the building leaving the people free to get on with their creative activities without worrying about whether the place will close, and safe in the knowledge that it will be there for future generations.”