A MUSIC historian who has just released a new book about rock music's origins in Britain will visit Bridgwater on her UK tour.

Elizabeth Sharkey, author of Why Britain Rocked:  How Rock became Roll and Took Over the World, will visit Bridgwater Arts Centre on Friday, September 20.

At the show, she will discuss the previously untold story behind the British music explosion in the 20th century.  

She is also on a mission to discover the different regions’ music DNA and what makes each so distinct and an important part of British music’s rich tapestry, interviewing musical of all ages across the nation.

Elizabeth is also interested in Somerset and what defines its music DNA, as well as the popularity of folk in the region and how Somerset folk is distinct from other folk regions, along with how the county has moved on since the days of Cecil Sharp and the folk song collectors.

Classic Rock magazine described her new book as “a treasure trove of exploration, academic rigour and a welcome, bold attempt at re-framing the history of British pop music.”

“Growing up, music was everything to me: my home, my thrill, my escape and my understanding of the world," Elizabeth said.

"If you love certain songs or pieces of music to the very core of your soul - then you might, as I was, be curious to look a little deeper into just why, how, such magic came to be.”