A THIEF from Bridgwater who stole clothing worth nearly £500 has been given a conditional discharge.

Andrew Cook, 26, of Kendale Road, took the clothes from JD Sports at The Sovereign shopping centre in Weston-super-Mare on October 11, 2023.

The clothes were later valued at £470.

Magistrates in Taunton gave him a 12-month conditional discharge after he pleaded guilty on Tuesday, September 3, 2024.

Cook was also ordered to pay £85 in costs to the Crown Prosecution Service, plus a £26 surcharge to fund victim services.

He will pay his court bill in monthly instalments of £20 starting in October.

What is a court discharge?

People who plead or are found guilty in court can be given a discharge instead of being sentenced for minor offences.

The Sentencing Council says: “A discharge means that the person is released from court without any further action. But they will still get a criminal record.

“The court may give an offender an absolute discharge.

“This means that the court has decided not to impose a punishment because the experience of going to court has been punishment enough.

“The court can also give a conditional discharge.

“This means that, if the offender commits another crime, they can be sentenced for the first offence and the new one.”