Two Somerset miracle tortoises have celebrated their third birthday with a special party.

Tiny Gino and Edwin were hatched 'against the odds' from eggs removed from a female tortoise who was unable to lay them.

The egg-bound female Hermann tortoise was taken to Quantock Veterinary Hospital in The Drove, Bridgwater, for emergency treatment.

Her condition was life-threatening, and vet and clinical director Louise Ash helped the tortoise pass five eggs by keeping her warm and administering oxytocin, a hormone that stimulates labour.

One of the eggs was damaged, but the owner of the tortoise gave the hospital team permission to try and hatch the four other eggs.

Three months later, on August 29, 2021, Gino and Edwin appeared.

The hatchlings were adopted by Jo Gray, the practice’s pharmacy and stock administrator, and vet Abi Binding.

Newly hatched Gino and Edwin (Image: Supplied) Ms Gray, who gave a home to Edwin, said the miracle tortoises have proved to be 'perfect pets'.

She said: "We didn’t know if the eggs were fertile, but we put them in an incubator and kept a close eye over them.

"It took several months, but one day two of the eggs showed signs of movement and a few hours later out popped Gino and Edwin.

"It was very exciting and quite a surprise as we thought there was a very slim chance of any of the eggs hatching.

"Of the other eggs, one proved to be non-viable and another tortoise sadly didn't survive hatching.

"I’ve always liked the idea of having a tortoise as a pet, so I volunteered to take Edwin and one of our vets, Abigail Binding, adopted Gino.

"They are lovely pets and are real characters.

"They like interacting with humans, which may be because they've been handled from a very early age, and they can also move a lot faster than people think.

"Even though they are three years old they are still quite small.

"They weighed 19g when they hatched and were the size of a 50 pence piece and while they’ve been steadily growing, they weigh just 185g.”

As well as treating exotic pets like tortoises, Quantock Veterinary Hospital cares for small animals and provides preventative healthcare, surgery and diagnostic services from its 24-hour hospital in Bridgwater and its branch practice in Nether Stowey.

Ms Binding said: "Gino is such a character and his favourite things are snacking on dandelions and spending time in his outside playpen in the garden.

"Everyone watched over the eggs very carefully when they were being incubated so it was very rewarding that two hatched, and because I suggested incubating the eggs, I was really keen to give Gino a home.

"They come back into the practice if they need a health check or if Jo or I go on holiday, and every when it’s their birthday we like to hold a special party for them.

"Gino and Edwin really are miracle tortoises and hopefully they will both have very long and healthy lives."