BRIDGWATER is set to benefit from new moveable speed indicator devices (SIDs) to tackle the issue of speeding.

The town council-owned devices, which are not speed cameras, have been funded by a grant from the Avon and Somerset Community Trust.

They will be moved around various locations in the town to encourage drivers to adhere to speed limits.

The SIDs are designed to give drivers a visual indication of their speed, with the aim of educating them and promoting compliance with speed limits. The devices will also collect data on traffic volumes and speeds.

The council hopes that by periodically changing the devices' locations, drivers will be more likely to observe speed limits in general.

The move comes in response to the negative impacts of speeding, which include increased accidents and heightened noise and air pollution.

The new devices will supplement traditional signs and lines, addressing specific road safety problems and creating cleaner, safer roads. The SIDs will display the speed of approaching vehicles and flash a "slow down" message to those exceeding the limit.

They will also be mounted on brackets allowing them to face in either direction, making them more versatile in their new locations.

Councillor Brian Smedley, Chair of the Communities Committee said: "As a community, we are committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of our residents. The implementation of Speed Indicator Devices is a crucial step in reducing speeding and enhancing road safety.

"We believe these devices will not only remind drivers to adhere to speed limits but also help promote a culture of responsible driving in our town."