A NINE-YEAR OLD boy is climbing the height of Scafell Pike inside his family home to raise money for Cancer Research.

Jamie, from Puriton, is undertaking an inside mountain climb to help raise money for people with rare cancers ‘to help them get better’. He’s been inspired to do so by his grandad, Andy, who has suffered cancer in his head and neck five times in last six years. 

Speaking about his upcoming challenge, Jamie said: “I am going to climb a mountain….but inside! The tallest mountain in England is the same distance as going up and down our stairs at home 528 times! So, on October 12 and 13, that’s what I will be doing. The equivalent of climbing a mountain. If you could spare any money to sponsor me that would be brilliant.”

You can donate to Jamie’s fundraiser by visiting: https://bit.ly/3zDonOW

Jamie’s mum, Jo Miller, said: “Jamie is very close to his grandad, my dad Andy.  They are best friends. Unfortunately, dad has battled 5 bouts of cancer in the last six years, all in his mouth, jaw, neck and tongue. He’s had radiotherapy and several operations, which have thankfully left him cancer free for the moment.”

She continued: “When we told Jamie that it was only thanks to research that dad had treatment options, he immediately wanted to help other people in similar situations. We went to the Lake District in May and saw Scafell Pike, and Jamie loved the idea of mountain climbing to raise money. But with it being a very hard climb and quite a way away (plus his phobia of heights!) we tried to think of a way around it.”

Jamie will undertake his mountainous fundraising challenge on October 12 and 13.