A NEW ‘Reading Lodge’ was opened by children’s author, Kathryn White, on Friday, September 27 at St. Mary’s Primary School in Durleigh, Bridgwater.

The Reading Lodge was funded by the school’s Parents and Friends Association (PFA), a group of parents, teachers, helpers and friends who, as volunteers, have been fundraising for the new building over the past few years.

In addition to school events such as fairs, discos, non-uniform days and book sales, the PFA were able to reach their target through the generous support of ‘match giving’ from staff at Bridgwater’s Lloyds Bank and Halifax branches. The fundraising has also seen a recent ‘Scarecrow Hunt’, organised and run by the West India House pub, which raised vital funds to equip the inside of the Reading Lodge.

Along with Somerset-based children’s author Kathryn White, the opening event was attended by parents, staff and friends of children at the school. Ms White, who has written and published over thirty children’s books, also read to a group of children from the school, which included the school’s librarians.

Co-Chairs of the PFA, Jenny Ashworth and Alice Gordon, said “This is a fantastic resource for our school, and we are so proud of all the PFA helpers, past and present, who have enabled us to fund it. We have had so much support from local businesses too – from donating prizes for our raffles, to lending us equipment for our events. This really has been a whole-community effort!”.

The Reading Lodge provides a discreet space in the school grounds where children can enjoy books during break times and share a class story with their teacher. It will also be a cosy and inviting environment for reading interventions. A comfortable space filled with books for all interests and abilities, the Reading Lodge will be enjoyed by children of all ages – from those at the Little Oaks Nursery, up to year six.

Deputy Head Teacher, Mrs Layton said “We are absolutely delighted to be able to open this building to our children today. The children were very excited to meet a ‘real author’ and loved hearing Kathryn read to them. We are so grateful to our PFA for funding this and look forward to enjoying it for many years to come!”