MIDDLEZOY’s Post Office services have resumed following an outage.

The outage was caused by a scheduled upgrade of the shop’s phone connection, which subsequently crashed last week. The Post Office’s Technical Support were attempting to get the shop back online as soon as possible, but it was only until Monday, September 30 that the system was eventually returned to normality.

Writing on Facebook, Middlezoy Post Office said: “We are fixed and back up and running on our regular hours!”

The shop, situated on Church Road, Middlezoy, is open between 10am to 13.00pm and 13.30pm and 16.30pm on Monday and Tuesday; and between 10am to 13.00pm and 13.30pm and 17.00pm on Thursday and Friday.

The Post Office shares the space with Middlezoy Village Shop, which is a volunteer-run community shop. The shop has as a wide range of groceries, and a well-stocked freezer, along with fresh meats, milk, cheeses, bread and eggs.