WHEN I talk to people about the Chamber, some of the most common questions I get are “what does the chamber actually do?”, “it’s run by the council isn’t it?”, or probably the most common theme: “I’d like to join, but it’s just a bunch of blokes in suits, isn’t it?”

And it’s fair to say that last one is one I hear a lot when talking to women in particular.

In reply I proudly and passionately talk about our three basic principles to Connect, Promote and Support local business as mentioned in the last newsletter, citing examples of networking events, social media posts and signposting members to information from local authorities, major stakeholders etc. but in truth even that can downplay things enormously.

The real worth in what we do is in the relationships we build, the connections we make from getting to know people, it’s about much more than just knowing the name of their business.

I’m always happy to make recommendations or introductions but without knowing the people involved, we’re all just trusting to luck to see whether it’s worthwhile.

Hopefully you’ll have seen an increase in the number of member focussed social media posts, including our new Instagram account, centred on the people as much as the business because it’s people that people do business with.

We’re lucky to have some amazing businesses in our area and the one common link, no matter what sector they are in, is the people in them.

To answer the second question, we are proudly independent and purposefully non-political.

We are continually working closely with Bridgwater Town Council and Somerset Council but the great thing about those relationships are that they are two-way.

We will always look to share any relevant information that they may have, like grants, training and contract opportunities but you can be assure that we will always lobby for the interests of the local business community without favour to any political view or side to take.

And on the last question raised, it’s true that in years gone by Chambers of Commerce/Chamber of Trade may well have been the stereotypical men smoking cigars in the back room but the world has changed; business has changed.

It just isn’t done like that anymore and I’m proud that we have a diverse membership, based across more than 30 sectors with incredible business people striving every day to make a positive difference to the world around them.

Our board is 25 per cent female and our events are attended by women from all around the local area, and I encourage everyone to take part in the formal and social events we have planned to really see how great our members, and the wider business community really are.

We are also proud to organise the Sedgemoor Business Excellence Awards that provide the perfect opportunity to celebrate the incredible local business community we have around us. Entries for this year’s awards are now open so please head to submit your entry now www.sedgemoorbusinessawards.org.uk

Please feel free to get in touch at any time,

I’d love to meet as many businesses as possible for a cuppa and a chat and share more even success.
