A MEMORIAL rugby match will take place for the second year in memory of Bridgwater teenager, Bethany Branson.

The second Beth Branson BARFC Memorial Match and Fundraiser will take place at Beth’s below home ground of Bridgwater & Albion RFC, on Friday, November 1. Kick off will start at 8pm.

Last year, the stands were filled with people supporting Bethany’s family and friends in their aim to keep her memory alive and her legacy going. Bridgwater turned out in force last year to share their sadness at the loss of Bethany due to a drink driver in November 2022 in Bridgwater, who was jailed for 10 years in January 2023.

Amy Branson said: “As Bethany's family, we would love to fill the stands again this year and to raise even more money for the two charities that meant so much to Bethany and to her team. St Giles Animal Welfare was where Bethany volunteered, she had such a passion for animals.”

The Wooden Spoon is the children's charity of rugby, and half of the funds raised last year went to support their work in the Bridgwater area. The opposition for the BARFC ladies this year is made up of women from all around the country giving up their time to make up the Wooden Spoon BaaBaas.

Amy added: “This year, our auction prizes include a signed caricature sent to us by Jonny Wilkinson in his support of what we are doing as well as an England shirt signed by the amazing ladies of the 1994 Red Roses World Cup winning side - ladies who are true legends and pioneers of the women's game.”

“We know that we are competing this year with the Bridgwater fireworks but even if people wanted to make it down for the second half on Friday, November 1, and for the raffle and auction, we would love to see as many people as possible.”

“The heartbreak of losing our little lady continues to devastate our world but doing something so positive in her name really does help us in the lead up to the second anniversary of her loss.”