SEDGEMOOR Embroidery and Textiles Group usually meet at 7.30pm on the second Monday of each month at St George's Parish Centre, Wembdon.

They have had a varied programme throughout the year, packed a mixture of interesting talks and mini workshops.

In February, they were entertained by Hannelore Sellick who talked about Something Out of Nothing, showing members many examples of her work, which are usually made out of packaging and off cuts that most people would just throw away.

Raising money for Romania, which she regularly visits, she also teaches Romanians how to make toys and other items 'out of nothing'.

Hannelore then taught members how to make a simple and appealing doll using off cuts of fabric and wool.

On March 8 they will welcome back local textile artist Jenny Blackburn, who will be talking about how the continually changing world of fashion influences her ideas and work.

They are a friendly group and guests are always welcome.