PRESIDENT Sheila Allen welcomed two visitors to the April meeting. They were the daughters of Kit Ball, one of the longest serving members.

Members were asked to support all fundraising events this year. There will be a fish and chip supper next month at the resolutions meeting. In June a visit to Porlock Museum has been arranged followed by a meal at the Ship Inn.

Mrs Betty Edney was presented with a bouquet to mark her 50th wedding anniversary.

The monthly competition was won by Rose Phillips with Alison Tucker in second place.

After tea, Pam Revans from Goathurst gave a demonstration of sweet making. There were delights such as peppermint creams, stuffed dates, chocolate truffles and lemon fudge. Samples were passed round at intervals. A box of sweets was given as the raffle prize and was won by Ruth Fargnioli. All profits from the evening were in aid of St Margaret's Somerset Hospice. Barbara Haxby gave the vote of thanks.

The next meeting will be on May 10 in the village hall at 7.30pm.