ELLA Sprouting, a 13-year-old pupil at Haygrove School, wrote a heartfelt letter to our political leaders, requesting they rethink their plans to scrap the Building Schools for the Future project.

Some of the letter is reprinted here: “Dear Mr Cameron, Mr Clegg and Mr Gove, My name is Ella Sprouting and I am a pupil in year nine at Haygrove School.

“Being part of the Bridgwater Building Schools For The Future project has really made me feel like I, along with others, could help Bridgwater become a new and rejuvenated town by building brand new schools.

“When I heard that our new school plan had been terminated, I was gutted.

“Sir also told me, to rub salt into the wounds, that we had missed out by a few days because of the signing of contracts.

“How is that fair? All that work, all that planning, talks and hope, to be told, 'sorry, your school's not being built'

“You can't just go along a list and say 'sorry, you haven't reached the right stage'.

“You need to be in my school, looking around, and seeing what I mean.

“This may sound like a rant, but it's not.

"I'm just a pupil that desperately wants the best for my school. Thank you for your time.”