Bridgwater MP Ian Liddell-Grainger will grill Education Secretary Michael Gove tonight over his decision to scrap three new town schools, and shelve plans for three others.

Mr Liddell-Grainger told the Mercury: “I’m going into the meeting with a clear mandate to fight for six schools.

“I’m not compromising. I believe we have the best case in the UK to get these new schools.

"Only one other local authority, Lambeth, is anywhere near as far advanced as we are.

“We have come in under budget, we have done everything we have been asked and more.”

Mr Liddell-Grainger will also use part of a speech on nuclear power in the House of Commons this afternoon to discuss the Building Schools for the Future project.

He will make a link between the proposed new Hinkley C power station and the need for Bridgwater’s six new schools.

He will tell the House: “Cutting back on schools in Bridgwater now is not the answer to anything.

“Not if you want to encourage a new generation of professionals.

"Not if you want home-grown nuclear experts. Not if you want joined-up policy.

“Our schools were ready to sign the documents on the very day their hopes were dashed by the Secretary of State.

“Millions of pounds had been invested. Some of the building work had already begun.

"It made perfect sense to carry on – not to scrap us.

“How many other areas are about to build a huge new nuclear power station?

"How many other areas were as ready with the school plans as we were?”

Click here to download our petition - Save Our Schools petition.pdf