PLANNERS are ploughing on with proposals to rebuild Haygrove and Penrose schools in Bridgwater, even though the Government has rejected the scheme.

Somerset's Building Schools for the Future team has submitted an outline application to build the new Haygrove and Penrose schools together on a site at Queenswood Farm, near Durleigh.

Last week the Mercury revealed Education Secretary Michael Gove had given three of the town's BSF schools the go-ahead, but Haygrove, Penrose and East Bridgwater Community School were not saved.

However, Julia Ridge, BSF Somerset programme director, said submitting plans for the new Haygrove and Penrose schools now would strengthen their case for future financial investment.

She said: “It's putting in place a foundation we can use if we are able to build in the future.

“From the earliest stages of the Somerset BSF programme, there has been an agreement that the Bridgwater school buildings were in such bad condition that they all needed to be rebuilt as new schools.

“That need has not changed, but has been exacerbated because there has been a reduction in maintenance due to the promise of a new build.”

Bridgwater MP Ian Liddell-Grainger said he would be meeting Education Secretary Michael Gove again in September, to press the case for the town's remaining three BSF schools.

The Mercury is supporting the fight for all six schools through our Save Our Schools campaign.