SEDGEMOOR could soon be home to three multi-million pound solar energy parks providing power for up to 5,400 homes.

Wessex Solar Energy has earmarked land in Whitnell, near Fiddington, Dunwear, and Durleigh for the developments.

The renewable energy firm says each 40 to 45-acre site, costing between £12million and £15million, could generate power for up to 1,800 homes.

Before any formal plans are submitted to Sedgemoor District Council a range of factors will be considered, including the local communities and environments, and cost.

Spokesman Paul Taylor said: “If the schemes are taken to planning and receive consent, they would generate more than £300,000 per annum in business rates for Sedgemoor District Council, as well provide jobs and or business opportunities for local firms during their construction.”

Each energy park would consist of thousands of horizontal rows of solar panels - larger versions of those found on modern calculators - mounted on steel frames.

There would also be several small buildings for electrical equipment and a new cable to export the electricity produced on site.

Mr Taylor said the developments would help meet renewable energy targets and a number of studies would take place to consider visual impact, ecology, traffic and infrastructure effects.

Wessex Solar Energy has notified local residents, councillors, and district planners, and will be holding various drop-in sessions in the coming weeks.


*Panels are arranged in rows and tilted to an angle appropriate for the location, between 25-35 degrees for a flat site in the UK.

*There is a space between the rows to take into account the shadow cast by each row; between five and ten metres. This space between rows and the space under the panels remains as pasture and would still be available for grazing of sheep.

*Panels are cabled together and the cabling runs to a small building where electricity is converted from DC to AC and exported to the local grid.

*A supply of electricity to neighbouring buildings can be taken from this point to provide power from the park.

*Electricity is exported through either the 11kV or 33kV grid system on wooden poles. There are no tall metal pylons required.