OLYMPIC hopeful Laura Gallagher was delighted with £700 raised towards new trampolining equipment during a fun day at Haygrove School.

The event saw trampolining taster sessions, live music and lots of stalls - all set up to help Westonzoyland's Laura represent Britain on the trampolines at the 2012 Olympics.

She said: “The day went really well with lots of interest in the trampolining and there were lots of children that turned out to have a go.

“In the afternoon we were treated to live music from Marmalade Skies, State of Play, Karl Ficarotta, Why Kill Ian and Shoot the Moon.

“All bands were brilliant and I would like to thank them for playing at the event.

“I would also like to thank Falcon for helping us with transport, Bridgwater College who provided staging for the event, Cath Clark and Haygrove School for letting us use the hall and for helping us out with the day and everyone who came to the event and the many people who helped out at the event.”

By the end of the day, they had raised more than £700, which will go towards the £7,000 needed for replacements beds and springs.

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