POLICE are appealing to witnesses to an alleged sexual assault on a woman in Glastonbury on Friday.

The woman was walking along Bere Lane from the Chilkwell Street direction when she was reportedly attacked. The suspect is described as white, in his late 20s or early 30s and of stocky build.

The incident occurred at around 10.30pm on Friday February 18, 2011. A woman was walking along Bere Lane from the Chilkwell Street direction a man walking in the opposite direction sexually assaulted her.

He was wearing dark, baggy dirty trousers and a baggy blue hooded top with a red and white motif on the chest. His hood was up but he had noticeable dark stubble around his chin and cheeks which looked like an unkempt beard.

Investigating the incident, detective constable Cat King, said; "The victim was assaulted as she walked to meet her boyfriend. It was a sudden and very frightening incident and one which has left her shaken.”

He said it was an isolated incident. Anyone with information can call police 0845 456 7000 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111."

Police are warning people to follow these tips to help you stay safe at night: - Don't walk alone at night – book a cab or stay with a friend - Stay alert to your surroundings – don't chat on your mobile or listen to an MP3 - Get and carry a personal attack alarm - Stick to well-lit, busy areas – don't take that dark shortcut - Tell someone where you're going and who you're with - Walk confidently and be wary of strangers trying to start a conversation - Have your car or house keys ready to hand - Report anything suspicious to police on 0845 456 7000 If you have been the victim of rape or sexual assault help is at hand. Turn to the Bridge on 0117 342 6999 or visit www.turntothebridge.org