THE effects of last week's devastating earthquake in New Zealand have been felt in Bridgwater.

As the Mercury went to press yesterday (Monday), 148 people had died following the quake, which struck off the coast of South Island, near Christchurch, last Tuesday.

Rev Julia Hicks, curate of St Mary's Church in Bridgwater, said her brother-in-law David Hicks and his family, who live on the outskirts of Christchurch, had been “shaken and frightened”; one family member was driving past a building as it collapsed.

Rev Hicks said she was relieved the family were safe, adding: "Everyone out there is in our thoughts and prayers as the country recovers."

Mercury sports editor, and Bridgwater and Albion rugby player, Will Topps, who is due to move to New Zealand to play rugby this summer, discovered the house he planned to stay in near Christchurch had been left uninhabitable.

Bridgwater Mayor Bill Monteith sent his condolences on behalf of the town and wished the rescue teams luck.

DO you know anyone caught up in the New Zealand disaster? Contact us by e-mailing, call 01278-727960, or leave your comments here.