The T20 cricket match between Wembdon CC and Lashings World XI is on and the Lashings team has been announced!

This Friday (June 14) at The Green, Wembdon, the home team will take on the might of:
Chris Schofield - England (c)
Owais Shah - England 
Mohammad Ashraful - Bangladesh
Yasir Arafat - Pakistan
Hugo Hammond - England (wk)
James Hildreth - England 
Martin Bicknell - England 
Kirk Edwards – West Indies
Charl Willoughby - South Africa 
John Emburey - England 
Andrew Caddick - England 
Courtney Walsh - West Indies 

David Smith (Team Manager) and Sir Gordon Greenidge (Team Ambassador) will be at the ground and commentary provided by Henry Blofeld.

The Lashings stars will put on a coaching session for invited junior cricketers at 11am and gates will open for public admission at 2pm.

Cream teas and strawberries and cream will be available from 2pm to 4pm and a hog roast from 4pm to 7pm. The T20 match will start at 4pm. Following the match, there will be a party with live music and hot food.

Tickets for general admission cost £12. Under 16s are free. Tickets can be obtained via Eventbrite: