Dogs are known for being cheeky and trying to get ahold of any sort of food or drink that might be lying around, so it is important to make sure they don't consume anything harmful.

It might raise the question for some pet owners on whether milk is safe for dogs or if it should be kept away from them if possible.

Many of us know that chocolate, for example, is harmful to dogs, but other foods such as apples are actually great for them.

To help answer that query a vet nurse from the PDSA (People's Dispensary for Sick Animals) has offered comment on the subject.

Bridgwater Mercury: Drinking milk doesn't give dogs any nutritional benefit but is it actually harmful to them?Drinking milk doesn't give dogs any nutritional benefit but is it actually harmful to them? (Image: Canva)

Can dogs have milk?

PDSA Vet Nurse Shauna Walsh has shared that milk doesn't actually provide any nutritional benefit for dogs and it can cause an upset stomach as many of them are lactose intolerant.

She explained: “It’s actually a myth that our four-legged family members should have milk as part of their diet.

"Once fully weaned, milk provides no nutritional benefits to dogs, particularly as the milk we buy is from other animals (cows, goats etc.), so has the wrong balance of nutrients for our canine pals.

"It also can have lots of extra calories, so is best avoided if you don’t want your dog piling on the pounds – and as many adult dogs are actually lactose intolerant, it can also upset their tummy!

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"We advise sticking to their usual food and clean fresh water to ensure they get the correct balance of nutrients and stay hydrated. If you’re unsure, or want more tailored diet advice, speak to your vet.”

The PDSA also shared a number of foods that are unsafe for dogs, including the likes of grapes, raisins, sultanas and currants as they can cause kidney failure.

Elsewhere, onion, garlic, and leeks can cause severe anaemia whilst Macadamia nuts can cause issues such as weakness, stiffness, tremors, and an increase in body temperature.