MIDDLEZOY Rovers FC have confirmed they are looking for a new manager for their Ladies team after current manager Luke Norris has left the club.

In a statement, the club said: "We are saddened to report that Ladies manager Luke Norris has left the club.

"We would like to take the opportunity to thank Luke for all his hard work and commitment to the Ladies team during a difficult rebuilding process."

The club added: "Luke leaves the ladies in a very strong position and we wish him all the best while he takes time to spend with his family."

The search now begins for a new manager of the side and the club is encouraging people to get in touch if they are interested.

A spokesperson said: "If you live and breathe football and have what it takes to lead our talented team, this is your chance to shine.

"If you're ready to make your mark in women's football then we want to hear from you."

To get more information on the role, you can email middlezoyroversfc@gmail.com or contact 07881 504050.