ENMORE Park Golfers planned to prepare for the new season by playing a match between the different men’s competitive teams – Avalon League, The Royals and Senior Avalon League.

Sadly, however he weather put paid to the original plan to instigate a match between all three leagues and  in view of the fact that there were no buggies or trolleys allowed due to the rather wet conditions some players had to drop out as it was carry only. 

Despite these limitations the ever resourceful Ben Kingston and Dan Anderson quickly revamped the competition for the 22 players who arrived to play. 

The competition was a team Stableford competition which was won with 54 points by the team comprising of Dylan Nyce, Dan Andison, Kieran Windsor and Luke Caswell.

Following what turned the competition that turned out to be a very enjoyable way to reacquaint themselves with fellow team mates the participants enjoyed the social time in the clubhouse with drinks and food and the opportunity to watch the rugby.

Thanks must go to Rhys Morgan the Club Captain Elect for instigating the competition. 

Gwen Cavill the Club Captain 2023-24 said: “It was wonderful seeing all the different men’s team players enjoying the golf and social time together.”