Bridgwater kicked off and within five minutes hooker John Smith scored a try, which was not converted.

After 15 minutes Jason Kerry scored a try; he ran 50-metres outstripping his opposite number, again it was not converted.

On 20 minutes Jamie Coates scored a try, converted by Frost.

On 35 minutes Kerry scored another try again running down the wing outstripping everyone in the field leaving them in his wake, and Frost converted.

On 40 minutes Carl Stuckes scored a try to stretch Bridgwater’s lead even further, it was not converted.

North Petherton the scored a penalty making the half time score 29-3 to the home side.

Bridgwater were absolutely terrific in the first half, the opposition couldn’t move they were being tackled left, right and centre.

In the second Bridgwater ran out of a bit steam and Petherton scored a try after 25 minutes.

It was a good old dogfight in the second but Bridgwater managed to keep them out. Hale scored a try outstripping his opponents and scoring under the posts, Frost converted.

Petherton hit back scoring a try which was converted, and then scored again after 40 minutes which was not converted.

Bridgwater face St Bernadettes at home on Saturday – a rearranged fixture from the winter.